HR Analytics

Ramesh Ranjan · 6 January 2024

“What gets measured, gets managed” – Peter Drucker


People are the ultimate source of innovation and competitive advantage. In order to leverage maximum employee value and potential, many leading organizations are turning to human capital analytics to gain a deeper understanding of their workforces, and improve the quality and credibility of HR decision-making. By leveraging the power of data, HR professionals can leverage HR metrics and analytics in making People Decisions.

Workforce analytics is a diverse collection of data analytic approaches for uncovering unique insights about people in organizations that enable faster, more accurate, and more confident business decision-making.

Rapid developments in technology for managing and analyzing big data have opened up new analytic possibilities to HR. The potential of these new capabilities to improve HR effectiveness is bringing workforce analytics to the forefront of HR executives’ minds. In sum, there is a consensus that workforce analytics presents a world of opportunities to improve business effectiveness that we have only begun to explore.


  • Understand what People Analytics is and how it can help HR increase its strategic value
  • To create a data-driven HR culture. In this course, ‘participants’ will learn what People Analytics is and develop the skills they need to understand and use HR data, reports and metrics in their endeavor to measure their performance
  • ‘the business’ prefers to talk data, and this course will enable the participants to speak the Business Language
  • It helps in creating value through data by developing a solid foundation on data-driven HR and leverage data to effectively manage the People side of Business and drive better people decisions
  • This program helps HR professionals to remain relevant in the ever-changing HR landscape & the evolving role of HR as a partner to the business


  • To create linkage between HR initiatives and its impact on the Business
  • Measure ROI of investments made in Human Capital
  • Measuring the success of investment made in People
  • To measure the performance of various HR initiatives
  • Identify HR Metrics that drive People & Business performance and develop a HR Score Card
  • To measure Operational efficiency in terms of
    • Cost
    • Quality
    • Delivery
  • Demonstrating the credibility and value added by HR


By the end of the course, you’ll be in the position to initiate a human capital metrics journey that will help to improve the quality and credibility of your HR decision-making through HR data, metrics and analytics

A Excel Tool / Template measuring 30+ HR Metrics will be provided to the participants


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Course Includes

  • 13 Lessons
  • 45 Topics
  • 1 Quiz