GHRC Excellence Awards


At the Global HR Community (GHRC), we are driven by the philosophy of “by the members, for the members, and of the members.” This core belief guides our efforts to create an engaging, enriching, and collaborative platform for HR professionals worldwide. To further this vision, we are excited to introduce four new contests that recognize and reward the outstanding contributions and active participation of our members.

Contest Overview

The GHRC is pleased to announce the following monthly contests, designed to celebrate and honor the dedication and achievements of our community members:

  1. Most Active Member
  2. Top Contributor of the Month
  3. Top Learner of the Month
  4. Top Promoter of the Month

Each contest is tailored to acknowledge different aspects of member engagement, from content creation and learning to community building and promotion.

Contest Details

  1. Most Active Member
    1. Criteria: This contest is based on the Gamification points earned by members on the GHRC platform. Points are accumulated through various activities, including posts, likes, comments, shares, and published articles.
    1. Recognition: The member with the highest points at the end of each month will be recognized as the Most Active Member.
  2. Top Contributor of the Month
    1. Criteria: Members must contribute a minimum of 5 original articles, blogs, or posts, research papers or case studies per month. The content must be original and not reposted from other sources or linked to other websites.
    1. Recognition: The member with the highest number of qualifying contributions will be honored as the Top Contributor of the Month.
  3. Top Learner of the Month
    1. Criteria: Members must complete a minimum of 3 courses within the month, either on the GHRC Academy or on our Upskilling Platform. Certificates of completion must be submitted to GHRC for verification.
    1. Recognition: The member who completes the most courses and submits the required certificates will be recognized as the Top Learner of the Month.
  4. Top Promoter of the Month
    1. Criteria: Members must refer a minimum of 3 new members to GHRC within the month. The referrals must result in revenue generation for GHRC.
    1. Recognition: The member with the highest number of successful referrals will be honored as the Top Promoter of the Month.

Prizes and Recognition

Top 3 Winners of each contest will be recognized and honored at the end of every month. The Top performer will receive a Gift Hamper worth a minimum of Rs. 1000/-, sponsored by My Anatomy. Others will receive a Recognition Certificate from GHRC.

Call to Action

We encourage all GHRC members to actively participate in these contests and take advantage of the opportunities to learn, contribute, and grow within our community. Your engagement not only enriches your professional journey but also strengthens our collective mission to elevate the HR profession.

Let us continue to inspire and support each other, driven by the spirit of “by the members, for the members, and of the members.” Join the contests, showcase your talents, and be a part of the vibrant GHRC community!

For any queries or further details, please contact the GHRC support team at

Together, we can make a difference!