Syed Aswath
HR Professional-
“Good to Know”
- Despite the abundance of colours, white is considered classy.
- Despite the multitude of voices and sounds, silence is considered ultimate.
- Despite the variety of food available, fasting is considered superior.
- Despite having many places to travel and explore, meditating in solitary places is considered…
Akruthi R, Nathan SV and 3 others-
Things which masses do will not have much value, where if classes do has it’s own value.
Things which are difficult to do has its own benefit. Instant coffee tastes better, after waiting for hours filter coffee is the best.
In business we have 2 kind. One business which is consumed by masses and business which is made for few niche. In my…
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These paradoxes resonate deeply, highlighting the timeless truth that often what appears modest or subdued holds the greatest depth and significance. It’s a gentle reminder to cherish the moments of quiet reflection and inner listening amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life. Thanks for the share.
“Good to Know”
“The Pygmalion effect”
The Pygmalion effect is a psychological phenomenon in which high expectations lead to improved performance in a given area and low expectations lead to worse performance.
The Pygmalion effect describes situations where someone’s high expectations improves our behaviour and therefore our performance in a…
“Good to know “
“I’m sorry I didn’t have time to write a short letter.”
The concept behind “I am sorry I didn’t get time to write a short letter” reflects the idea that sometimes it’s harder or takes more effort to write something brief and concise than it does to write something long. This phrase is often attributed to famous historical…
“LIVE” as if you are going to die tomorrow and “LEARN” as if you are going to live for ever.
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Einstein said that you die the day you stop learning.
Very true
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Joe Manuel earned the connector badge Connector Badge 10 months ago
Nisha Nair earned the contributor badge Contributor Badge 10 months ago
“Good to Know”
“Maverick.” Person – Meaning
-A person who takes an independent stand, as in politics, from that of a party or group.
-If you describe someone as a maverick, you mean that they are unconventional and independent, and do not think or behave in the same way as other people.
-Example : Elon Musk is often called a “Maverick…
Roopesh S Naidu earned the contributor badge Contributor Badge 10 months ago
Nisha Nair earned the active member Active Member 10 months ago
“ Good to Know “
The Rule of Nine-Wallace Rule of Nines
The front and back of the head and neck equal 9% of the body’s surface area. The front and back of each arm and hand equal 9% of the body’s surface area. The chest equals 9% and the stomach equals 9% of the body’s surface area. The upper back equals 9% and the lower back equals 9% of the…
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