• Profile photo of Vaibhavi Bhat

      Vaibhavi Bhat posted an update

      2 weeks ago

      HR Learning of the Day Zeigarnik effect

      The Zeigarnik effect refers to the psychological phenomenon where people tend to remember incomplete or interrupted tasks better than completed ones. In HRM, this effect can be leveraged to increase productivity and engagement by strategically breaking tasks into segments or setting up checkpoints.

      HRM Application Example:

      In a corporate training session, breaking the learning process into modules and encouraging employees to pause after certain checkpoints can keep them motivated to return and complete the course. This can improve knowledge retention and task engagement.

      Benefits in HRM:

      Increased Focus: Employees remain mentally engaged until tasks are complete.

      Enhanced Learning: Breaking complex topics fosters better information retention.

      Performance Motivation: Incomplete tasks create a mental drive to resolve or finish them.

      Potential Challenges and Solutions:

      Stress from Unfinished Tasks: Ensure timelines are manageable.

      Overemphasis on Task Fragmentation: Balance between task division and flow to avoid inefficiencies.

      Please note that all HR Words have been Sourced from Google/Wikipedia and I copy from different places, edit using GenAI and share with everyone while learning something new everyday. Image Source ChatGPT

      Have A Great HR Day


      Dr. Vishal Verma

      Shrinidhi Rao and Vaibhavi Bhat