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How USA’s evil strategy KILLED Japan’s economy? : Japan’s economic crisis EXPLAINED in simple words
Japan is one of the most incredible countries of the 20th century, and the most astonishing fact about them this that, inspite of being completely ruined during the world war, in just 23 years, they rose from the ashes to become the second largest economy in the world by 1968 beating giants like France, Britain and Russia!!! and during this golden run, the Japaneese economy was growing at a super fast pace of 10% per year in the 1960s and even touched 12.9 percent!! But after that suddenly, the Japaneese economy wtinessed an economic crisis and since then their economy has been slowing down for the past 30 long years!! and even touched 0 and negative percent during global recessions!!! and guess what??? Today, Even after 30 years, they still haven’t recovered back to their old pace!!! On top of that, after the Russia-Ukraine war started, Japan is in even deeper trouble with its economy is slowing down and its currency is falling down by 29% against the dollar!! and now just like us and UK even Japan is at the brink of an economic nightmare!! And considering where India is right now!!! If we make the same mistakes as Japan, it wouldnt take long for the Indian economy to slow down just like Japan!!! So let’s deep dive and try to understand, How did Japan go from being the a super fast growing country to 3 decades of stagnation? What was so terribly wrong with the Japanese policies? and most importantly, as citizens of India what are the lessons that we need to learn from the painful fall of Japan?