• “Good to Know “

      “When the student is ready the teacher will appear. When the student is truly ready… The teacher will Disappear” ……………..one of the teachings of “Lao Tzu”

      The first sentence implies that when a student is prepared and receptive to learning, opportunities for guidance and education will present themselves. It suggests that readiness and openness are key to attracting the right teachers or mentors into one’s life.

      The second sentence suggests that once a student has internalised the lessons, gained mastery, or reached a level of profound understanding, the need for external guidance may diminish. In this sense, the teacher “disappears” because the student has become self-sufficient and independent in their knowledge or skill.

      About Lao Tzu

      Lao Tzu a central figure in Chinese culture, Laozi is generally considered the founder of Taoism. He was claimed and revered as the ancestor of the 7th–10th century Tang dynasty and is similarly honoured in modern China as the progenitor of the popular surname Li. In some sects of Taoism, Chinese Buddhism, Confucianism, and Chinese folk religion, it is held that he then became an immortal hermit.

      Laozi, also Romanised as Lao Tzu and various other ways, was a semi-legendary ancient Chinese philosopher, author of the Tao Te Ching, the foundational text of Taoism along with the Zhuangzi. Laozi is a Chinese honorific, typically translated as “the Old Master”.

      Raghunandan M N and Ramesh Ranjan