• Profile photo of Ramesh Ranjan

      Ramesh Ranjan posted an update

      8 months ago

      Simon Sinek, a well-known author and motivational speaker says “A boss has the title, a leader has the people,” emphasizing the difference between a boss and a leader. A boss may hold a position of authority due to their title, but a true leader earns respect and loyalty from their team through their actions and the relationships they build. The image also includes a photograph of Simon Sinek and branding from LEADR, likely indicating the source of the content. This quote underscores the importance of leadership qualities over mere positional power in effectively guiding and inspiring people.

      Srini Jakkam and Raghunandan M N
      • Well said. Leadership qualities encompassess in all walks of life while title’s view is restricted..

        • Well said. Leadership qualities encompassess in all walks of life while title’s view is restricted..