• 🌟 Star Member of June 🌟

      We are excited to announce that the Star Member of June is none other than @SandySandeep Ani Shetty! Sandeep earned an impressive 4,627 coins this month. This marks the second consecutive month Sandeep has been recognized for his outstanding efforts and active participation. Let’s all give a big round of applause to Sandeep for his dedication and hard work!

      In second place, we have- @gprad Pradeep Gopi with 4,357 coins. Fantastic job, Pradeep!

      Rounding out the top three is @raghunandanmnRaghunandan MN, who earned 2,646 coins. Well done, Raghunandan!

      Congratulations to our top members for their achievements this month! 🎉

      To all our other users, we encourage you to stay active and engage more in our community. Who knows? You might be our next Star Member!

      Keep up the great work, everyone!

      Pratheek Bayari, Gautam Ghosh and Raghunandan M N