Sree Lata Shankar posted an update
5 months ago (edited)
Journey that began 6 years ago. Writing to me is so enjoyable & delightful. Inspired by thoughts, descriptions, arranging themselves around a central idea. Little words modelling the lines, polishing, improving with each poem. Writing to me encapsulates marvellous feeling of creation.
Writing, not merely expressing,
Voice inside me, directing,
Translating my imagery,
Conveying a story
Myriad thoughts floating,
Ceaseless stream flowing,
Words, verse serenading
Arrangement, interplay converging,
Structuring nuances, feelings,
Layers, narratives, enhancing,
Ideas, emotions branching,
Artistic palette fortifying,
A blank sheet I write upon,
Nimbly positioning the tone,
Word play whizzing,
Drafting, refining,
Joy of writing, lucidly articulating,
Varied branches braiding,
A zone which I revel,
Wishing my writing is novel,
Writing a picture of my landscape,
Stringing a garland to shape,
Fusion of words teaming,
Latent talent gleaming.