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9 YouTube Channels That Will Teach You More Than A Degree
YouTube is a goldmine of free edutainment.
But it’s hard to find the right channels.These are the 9 YouTube channels that I watch:
(To become my best self)1. Y Combinator 🤖
↳ Y Combinator create videos to help people build their startups.Why subscribe?
They have some incredible startup and scale up insights.2. All-In Podcast 🎙️
↳ These guys provide articulate rundowns on tech each week.Why subscribe?
These four will keep you up to date with the business and tech world.3. Secret Leaders 👤
↳ Dan and I interview some of the most brilliant business people.Why subscribe?
It’s the most entertaining business show (duh).4. Codie Sanchez 💰
↳ A real focus on boring businesses and how great they are.Why subscribe?
Learn about boring businesses and buying businesses.5. Alex Hormozi 🗺️
↳ Hormozi is one of the leading voices in the online business world.Why subscribe?
He provides actionable insights which will help build wealth.6. Grace Beverley ⏱️
↳ Grace has both tutorial business content and interviews.Why subscribe?
Entrepreneurship becomes more achievable in your mind.7. Chris Williamson 🗣️
↳ Exploration of the modern world and popularist topics.Why subscribe?
His guests are a great mix of brilliant names and genius minds.8. Modern MBA 🎓
↳ Modern MBA is littered with incredible business case studies.Why subscribe?
You literally can’t get this content anywhere else.9. Simon Squib 📹
↳ Simon offers advice for free that others would charge thousands for.Why subscribe?
Like I said, you won’t find this advice for free elsewhere.YouTube is one of the most underrated platforms for personal development.
Watch these channels as part of your weekly routine.
You will become a better version of yourself as a result.