• Profile photo of Vaibhavi Bhat

      Vaibhavi Bhat posted an update

      3 months ago

      9 YouTube Channels That Will Teach You More Than A Degree

      YouTube is a goldmine of free edutainment.
      But it’s hard to find the right channels.

      These are the 9 YouTube channels that I watch:
      (To become my best self)

      1. Y Combinator 🤖
      ↳ Y Combinator create videos to help people build their startups.

      Why subscribe?
      They have some incredible startup and scale up insights.

      2. All-In Podcast 🎙️
      ↳ These guys provide articulate rundowns on tech each week.

      Why subscribe?
      These four will keep you up to date with the business and tech world.

      3. Secret Leaders 👤
      ↳ Dan and I interview some of the most brilliant business people.

      Why subscribe?
      It’s the most entertaining business show (duh).

      4. Codie Sanchez 💰
      ↳ A real focus on boring businesses and how great they are.

      Why subscribe?
      Learn about boring businesses and buying businesses.

      5. Alex Hormozi 🗺️
      ↳ Hormozi is one of the leading voices in the online business world.

      Why subscribe?
      He provides actionable insights which will help build wealth.

      6. Grace Beverley ⏱️
      ↳ Grace has both tutorial business content and interviews.

      Why subscribe?
      Entrepreneurship becomes more achievable in your mind.

      7. Chris Williamson 🗣️
      ↳ Exploration of the modern world and popularist topics.

      Why subscribe?
      His guests are a great mix of brilliant names and genius minds.

      8. Modern MBA 🎓
      ↳ Modern MBA is littered with incredible business case studies.

      Why subscribe?
      You literally can’t get this content anywhere else.

      9. Simon Squib 📹
      ↳ Simon offers advice for free that others would charge thousands for.

      Why subscribe?
      Like I said, you won’t find this advice for free elsewhere.

      YouTube is one of the most underrated platforms for personal development.

      Watch these channels as part of your weekly routine.
      You will become a better version of yourself as a result.

      Roopesh S Naidu, Shrinidhi Rao and Aswat Narayana Rao