How do I upload photos and view albums

In this video, we’ll guide you step-by-step on how to upload photos and manage albums on your profile.

Here’s a quick overview:

Navigate to the Photos Section: From your profile, click the “Photos” tab in the menu (next to Groups, Timeline, etc.). This will take you to the page where you can manage all your photos and albums.

Uploading Photos: Click the “Add Photos” button on the right side of the screen. A dialog box will appear, allowing you to upload or drag and drop images. You can also write captions, choose or create an album, and set the privacy options for the photos. Once uploaded, the photos will appear in your Photos section and on your timeline.

Managing Albums: To view and manage albums, click the “Albums” tab within the Photos section. You can create new albums, add photos, adjust privacy settings, and even edit or delete existing albums. Easily organize your photos for better accessibility.

This video makes it simple to upload, move, and delete photos, as well as organize them into albums for better management on your profile. Enjoy the tutorial and start organizing your photos today!
