How to create groups

In this video, viewers will learn how to create groups on the GHRC platform to foster collaboration and build communities around specific topics of interest. The tutorial covers everything from accessing the Groups feature via the “Connect” menu to navigating the group creation process, including setting privacy and permissions, enabling forums, uploading photos, and inviting members.

The step-by-step guide begins with naming and describing the group, then moves into configuring settings for privacy, activity feeds, and member permissions. It also explains how to upload a group profile and cover photo for visual appeal, as well as how to send invites to potential members.

Throughout the video, GHRC users are shown how to make their groups engaging and organized, making it easier for members to share insights, collaborate on projects, or participate in focused discussions. By the end, users will have the knowledge to effectively manage their group settings, moderate conversations, and build a thriving community on the GHRC platform. Perfect for anyone looking to expand their professional network and connect with like-minded individuals!
